Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 In Review

It seems as the new year come people always try to come up with way to make the next year better then the previous one. People want to be thinner, happier, richer, more in love, less alone, savor more, work less, work harder, get promoted, finally quit that thing they hate, and the list could go on and on, I on the other hand took this new years to reflect on the past year and how amazing it was. I think if more people took time to look back on the good instead of changing the bad then maybe more people would realize just how lucky they are (I do however have a new years resolution). I figured I'd share the highlights of my 2009, try not to get too jealous.

In January I got to see my last snow on the ground up in Boston visiting/saying so long to friends. Shortly after that I got to witness history as I traveled to downtown DC starting at 4:30 am inauguration day to see the first ever African American sworn in as President of the United States.

February was more about world travel as I started the month by visiting a friend in Paris, creating some of my favorite sketches, and see a truly breathtaking city. I also got to spend a day in Paris with my Aunt and Uncle which was a truly amazing day. Two weeks later I finished packing my two suitcases, and boarded a plane to Miami for staging for the Peace Corps, on February 24th I arrived in my new home country of St. Lucia.

In March I moved in with my home stay family and tried to start learning what Lucian culture was like. I planted a coconut tree, I learned how pineapples and bananas grow. I began to visit beaches, got an account at the national Library, opened a Lucian Bank account, learned how to ride the bus to and from training by myself, got used to saying good night instead of good evening, and learned the peace corps training sucks, and met a troubled boy that I have been working with ever since march and seeing his progress has been a saving grace for me.

In April I finished training and was sworn in as an official Peace Corps Volunteer and moved in to my own place. April's where the dates start to get fuzzy.

I've harvested honey in a full bee keepers suit, harvested cucumbers for export to the UK, coached little kids basketball, learned to crack a coconut open on a rock, helped a lady rescue her lost baby lamb, seen kids learn to read in front of my very eyes. Sadly seen too many young lives end too soon, but watched how a community come together to help the healing. I've gotten off the bus to shouts of my name by small children, some of whom have taught me how to make cocoa tea and lucian dumplings. I've been giving notes from children telling me they love me. I've young men learn how to play basketball and start at the basics instead of dunking. I've been to at least 14 different beaches to bathe and 3 others for fish frys.

I've experienced multiple days of Carnival. I've been sailing. I've hiked through the rain forest, I've watched my communities football team win the nation tounament. I've witnessed the first ever graduation ceremony from the secondary school I work with. I've thrown a Halloween party complete with costumes in which the Lucians were exactly sure what to come as. I've played basketball with grown men and earned their respect. I've been asked to play on a women's basketball team. I've had the biggest Thanksgiving of my life with 3 turkeys and over 30 people. I've attempted to make pretzels from scratch, made pizza, tortillias, cake, and brownies from scratch, no mix. I made gingerbread houses with friends from scratch.

I learned how to pole vault, then learned how to coach pole vault, then watched 3 of the girls I was coaching set a national womens record, which already in 2010 has been broken again. I have seen young female athletes gain confidence and a belief in themself since starting to play a sport. I have met a 3x Olympian in pole vault.

I have seen pretty much an entire pig hanging after being slaughtered right next to where I catch my bus for everyones christmas meals. I have had friends stop by my house on christmas day while doing a door to door as part of the tradition for the holiday. I have been woken up at 8:30 christmas morning by a phone call from a friend wondering why I wasn't already at her house.

With 5 days left in the year I walked for four days around the island to really get a feel for what this great country has to offer. So while my new years resolution is to explore more of st lucia, I have had one amazing 2009 and while there have been strugles and difficulties if 2010 can be as good of a year for me I will be really happy. Happy New Year one, I hope everyone has had a good 2009, and will have a great 2010!